Diarrhea is defined as frequent, watery stools.
Diarrhea can be caused by many things. The most common is a viral gastrointestinal infection.
Because diarrhea stools involve extra water leaving the body, large volumes of diarrhea can cause dehydration.
It is important to continue to get extra fluid into your child to maintain their hydration. They can drink as much as their thirst guides them. If they are also vomiting, please read the vomiting instructions. We continue to feed through diarrhea. There is no special dietary requirements. Your child can eat and drink normally. Work on giving them extra fluid to drink to replace the extra fluid that is coming out through the diarrhea. If a particular food causes them discomfort or worsening diarrhea then hold off on that food for a few days until their stomach is feeling better.
With prolonged diarrhea (i.e. one week) some people lose the ability to digest milk sugar (which is called lactose). If you notice that your child's diarrhea or other abdominal symptoms get worse when consuming dairy, then change to lactose free products.
Your child should be seen if:
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